Why do you have to be someone who is not you to get what you want? It's true we have to be a lil different but not as in we change the way we live, the way we do things to get what we desire. This is so wrong. The concept here is, be yourself and things will eventually go smooth.
Now its time to update what I have done last few weeks.
I guess everyone knows that The All American Rejects came to Bukit Jalil last week. The concert started with a blast featuring One Buck Short, Disagree and Pop Shuvit. The first 2 band who performed were not entertaining enough but Pop Shuvit lived us up. We managed to squeezed in as close as possible. AAR showed up quite late after local bands had performed. But still, they rocked the carpark! Didn't get to snap much pictures though. But few songs were recorded at full, thanks to Aaron. I bet there were many people cursed him because of his Imba Height. XD
Move Along (Noob Quality) :
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