As far as the world is concerned, it is still being engaged in a manner where money would indeed help to settle rather many problems, it's either in a good way as you can see it or perhaps the darker side where eyes and heart are plastered showing only shadow. Have you ever wonder how far would you go for when something happens to you or your family and friends, if there's verdict needed to make involving money and your conscience. The complexity of inner sense and money would certainly craft a confusion to people whom are needing both equally. It came to my surprise and coincidently that there were people talking about this matter as this thought came across my mind. I posted a question to a friend: If there's a person accidentally knocked down your family member who was crossing road, he/she then offers
RM1mil to cover shits up begging not to report. Your family member suffers two broken legs which may be a disabled forever. Bear in mind that you come from a poor background family. You do not have the money to sue the jerk. Now what will you do? To fight with your conscience but may not be able to win against a wealthy people that buys law to their side, or to go against your inner sense to accept the offer that may change how people look at you. Many people may choose to fight but when it comes to you in reality, who knows you might change your mind as money and life is almost on par in this changing humanity.
Well that's about money and life, what about betraying yourself wanting money so badly that when people who are fat, ugly, and always talk about food you bad mouthed all this while offer you few thousands ringgit to have sex with you. Would you go for it? Lol. That's about it.