the fulfillment

I have started working almost for a month now. It wasn't that bad as I had imagined. Started to pick up calls as a customer relationship officer without being fully trained, the trainer is always busy and the center needs us, newbies to answer calls just to maintain the service level that they need to achieve every month. As you know, to be involved in such department, I have to be prepared to face any harsh and rude customers carrying zero intelligence brain, and I had my first one indeed, a very rude customer expressing his anger with filthy mouth.

Somehow, the enjoyment of working in this center started to fill me up everyday especially when it comes to 25th of every month. Having fun with other colleagues, joking around, and being an estet or a kattan in the office. Got to know some malay staffs and we started playing futsal together. Honestly, I am starting to like this job already.

When I logged onto facebook, I got to know that the sem is going to start on 9th May which I thought it was always be at the end of the month. I will quit the job at the end of May which leaves me no choice but to skip the classes. Oh wait, I do have annual leaves with me, and I will make use of these :) Hopefully I can resist the willing to work after being committed to the bank. That's all for now, gotta go. Nite!