Weird but Free Dinner

Last Saturday I had a free seafood dinner with lai, siew feng and pei yin and of course with 2 unknown guys which one of them treated us for no reason. Those 2 guys are totally strangers to us but had treated us kinda good and delicious seafood :). Well, we ate as much as we could but in the end lai and i sapu all jugak (especially the crab). Got ppl belanja us so, who cares to be shy especially when food comes to us( lai and i). Everything has already gone down into our stomach and we thanked him for the dinner. Basically we didn't give a damn to them and chao-ed off to Berkeley for second round.

New condo, new room, new environment, new housemates, perhaps free food and drinks as well. Hehehe..
Rented an unit of condo at 10th floor with a great view of kl (currently the haze covered the view-swt). I moved my stuffs there already and tonight am going to stay there. Tuesday is the Orientation day lerr. I can't wait to wash my eyes there. Kinda excited but not so. Dont know why.

Anyhow, TARC here i comeee...yoshhh!